Wednesday 26 September 2012

Something to do!

I came across this awesome book by David Lucas:
Niamh and I love it! (Maybe I love it more :)
David Lucas is an amazing Author.  His pictures are simple yet he conveys such meaning.

This is a classic book especially at this time of the year when kids are on school holidays and complaining about being bored.
I believe it's a good reminder to myself that I don't always have to think things up or construct things for Niamh to do.
It's so important for the development of their imagination that they think up things to do for themselves.

I have only shown a couple of pages from the book......It's beautiful!!

So let's encourage our children to have a bit of "Nothing to Do" time these holidays so that their imaginations may soar!

Happy Holidays!!


  1. I agree... books are fantastic, for both children & adults.
    The bee is super adorable. :]
    I can see where your daughter got the talent from!
    Take care ~xx

  2. Good idea, Fi. "Boredom is the beginning of creativity." Sorry I can't tell you who first wrote that, but I sure know it is true and especially with kids if they have supplies to explore.
    Following you here now. I work with kids so I'm always looking for ideas. You might like to see my "Kids, Crafting and More" on Pinterest:
    Feel free to explore and post to your blog. I'm sure you'll find some fun stuff for your little one.

    Hugs, Coleen

  3. Good! I think is very good idea ;)
