Tuesday 10 April 2012

Towards learning to draw......

Firemen and a Fire truck

My friends and family are often amazed at my three year old's drawing ability.  I believe it's mainly the result of her wanting to participate in any activity I'm involved in.  I usually have a pen or brush in hand and of course she has to have one too!! 

Lil Miss Three has been mark making for as long as she's been able to hold something in her hand. 

I rememember buying her a small magnetic board when she was eighteen months old. She used it:

*In the pram.
*In the car.
*In the shopping trolley.
*And in her cot.

I found a big princess one at a local garage sale. $5 well spent! She still uses it regularly today!  It's wonderful because it creates no mess and can be used over and over again.

I bought some bath crayons which Lil Miss One used:
*On the bath.

*On the shower screen.
*On herself
*And on me!!
When we showered together she used her hands and fingers to draw marks on the fogged up shower screens.

I set up a permanent art and craft table.  On it I had



And with each stage of development I added more things:


I pre cut shapes from cheap coloured paper and she loved putting them together to make houses, trees, cars and trains.

When we were outside I'd put water in a bucket and give Niamh a big paintbrush.  I encouraged her to make marks on:
*The pavement
*The walls
*The rocks
*The cubby house

I think providing the opportunity for regular (supervised) exploration with a variety of tools has enabled Miss Three to colour and draw.
This exploration was very messy at times.  I kept her away from walls and out of precious clothing during the early days.

I'm a big believer in providing these opportunities on a consistent basis.  Mark making and learning to draw is a wonderful basis from which they can then learn to write.


  1. Yes... children are amazing, when it comes to art! :]
    They have the ability to see, think and create in an abstract form.
    Love it. This was always my most passionate reasons of teaching art to children.

    1. thanks April....I LOVE children's art always have. i hope to teach children's art one day soon :)) Do you teach at a school or do private lessons?

  2. wow Love the photo of Little Miss's drawing desk. Wonderful setup! Your sketches are terrific! The last pink piece is my fav:)

    1. Thanks Fran :) We've given the yellow desk away (To a Lil Mr almost 2) and she now has a wooden one with a flip top lid. good for storing everything!

  3. you have a talented little one!!! I also think the relationship your building with your daughter is inspiring and moving.

  4. Thanks Ana :) I consider myself so blessed to have the time I do with her....Thanks for your kind comment.

  5. Did I make the cardinal grammar mistake and wrote "your" instead of "you're." Oh my...
